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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Header for Following Section

Left column header

This is a 2-column content layout.

Right column header

It can be used as needed or deleted and replaced with another widget or content layout.

Content from previous site pages, can be copied into new design as needed

Header 2 Intro Section

Should be used on most pages of the Menlo School site.

A relatively short introduction to the page for newcomers to the site who need an overview.

Optional Sidebar

This sidebar will only appear on the page if it contains content.

Get involved and be a leader at Menlo!

In the Upper School, the Student Council is a forum in which students can express their points of view and be heard within the School community. Student Council members sit on the School’s Curriculum Committee, the Judicial Committee and the Menlo School Association. Officers are elected for the entire student body as well as each Class.

In the Middle School, students elect co-Presidents, a Spirit Commissioner, a Director of
Communications/CFO and grade-level senators. The Council meets weekly with its faculty liaison and
plans Spirit Days, assembly programs and fundraisers to benefit local kid-oriented charities.