Upper School student artwork on display.

Studio Art

Express yourself.

The Studio Art program is a place where students of all abilities can learn to express their visual creativity.

Students follow their own unique artistic path while experimenting with a wide range of traditional and digital media. All students participate in several exhibits, and student artwork is featured throughout the School. Students take field trips to museums, galleries, and artist studios, and guest artists visit every year. All Studio Art courses comply with UC standards.

Students work on artwork in the Studio Art class.

Upper School Studio Art Faculty

Upper School Studio Art Course Offerings

Grade: 101112

Advanced Art

This is a year-long course.

Advanced Art students learn how to research, experiment, and revise their ideas as they develop their own unique style and record the process in sketchbook journals and personal websites. The goal will be to produce and display a sound portfolio of original artwork in mediums and topics of their choice. Materials include graphite, charcoal, pastels, acrylic, oil, mixed media, digital, and dimensional art such as fiber art and sculpture. Art as a community builder and an avenue for positive change will be explored in collaborative projects. Students will be required to participate in a minimum of two art shows in the school year.

Students will research contemporary artists, artistic processes, visit museums, and share their findings with classmates.

Prerequisite: Permission of the teacher and preview of student artwork.

Grade: 101112

Advanced Topics in Art (H)

This is a year-long course.

This is a rigorous honors level course where students enter with a mastery of art skill sets and who can work independently both in and outside of class time. The goal will be to develop an artist series of original artwork centered around an overarching theme of their choice. The areas of focus can utilize 2D design, drawing and painting, mixed media, sculpture, and installation art. The topics will require in-depth research, revision of art and ideas, written reflections, experimentation, culminating in successful completion of at least 10 to 12 artworks. Art as a community builder and an avenue for positive change will be explored in individual projects. A.T. students will participate in a Spring art show in which they will present their series and be able to discuss their art with an audience. Peer support throughout the year will be in group critiques that require understanding of the principles and elements of design. Students can opt-in to sign up for one of the three AP Art portfolios and use their works created in class, but they are responsible for the additional time and effort outside of class to organize and submit their own portfolio.

Prerequisite: Submission of at least 2 project proposals prior to acceptance as well as meeting and portfolio review with the instructor. Successful completion of Advanced Art is highly recommended prior to taking this course.

Open to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors

Grade: 9101112

Art Foundations

This is a year-long course.

Art Foundations students are taught foundation level skills while exploring a wide range of art mediums and techniques. The first semester will emphasize observational drawing and an introduction to painting in watercolor, acrylics and water based oils.Students will have direct instruction in drawing, painting, and digital art. Each student will be responsible for maintaining a sketch journal notebook. Students will gain an understanding of the principles and elements of design and utilize them in positive art critiques and group discussions.In the second semester, students are encouraged to use their own rich cultural heritage and personal interests to design projects that excite them. Both historic and contemporary artists will be researched by students and presented to their classmates. 

Content from previous site pages, can be copied into new design as needed

Express yourself.