The Habits provide important infrastructure to guide both teachers and students along their shared educational journey. They are prominent in every academic class as well as arts, athletics, and advocacy.
The Habits of the Heart and Mind
Recognizing emotions, tendencies, actions, and reactions within myself.
Acting with integrity and moral values.
Showing thoughtful and compassionate behavior towards others, regardless of the relationship and without expecting anything in return.
Understanding and honoring another’s emotions and point of view.
Exploring and questioning the world beyond myself.
Recovering and growing from challenges.
The Habits of Learning
Identifies strengths and areas of growth
Accepts and seeks challenges
Exhibits independence
Demonstrates resilience
Practices self-advocacy
Completes work with attention to detail
Brings materials to class
Follows directions accurately
Manages time efficiently
Organizes documents
Completes assignments on time
Contributes productively towards the group work
Builds on others’ ideas
Steps up and steps down appropriately
Offers and receives feedback from peers
Listens actively
Stays focused and on task
Participates regularly
Asks questions and makes connections
Contributes positively to classroom culture
Content from previous site pages, can be copied into new design as needed
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Intro Section
Should be used on most pages of the Menlo School site.
A relatively short introduction to the page for newcomers to the site who need an overview.
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