Than Healy became Head of School in July 2013.
After graduating from Williams College, Than began his career in education at the Stevenson School in Pebble Beach, CA, where he taught history and psychology and served in a number of roles in the life of the school. Continuing his collegiate athletic career, Than coached basketball and water polo and directed the summer athletic program. Stevenson honored Than with the McNeely Chair for Outstanding Educator; he was the youngest faculty member to earn this recognition.
In 1995, Than took a yearlong hiatus from education to play professional basketball in Frankfurt, Germany. He then returned to teach at his own high school, Punahou School in Honolulu, HI. In 2001, he earned an MA in Educational Administration with a focus on private school leadership from the Klingenstein Center at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Most recently, Than served as the Assistant Head of School (appointed in 2005) and the Upper School Director (appointed in 2001) at the Lakeside School in Seattle, WA.