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Intro Section
Should be used on most pages of the Menlo School site.
A relatively short introduction to the page for newcomers to the site who need an overview.
Traditions and Celebrations
From Homecoming parades and lively spirit competitions on the Quad to dances and the joyful holiday assembly, there are many ways for students to have fun, celebrate community, and build friendships that will last a lifetime.
Students gather for weekly assemblies that provide a forum for the sharing of ideas and information among students, faculty, and administrators—and a chance to have fun as a community. The program also brings various artists, writers, musicians, educators as well as political and business leaders to the campus. In addition, students and faculty members make assembly presentations related to topics of personal or community interest. The entire School gathers together every December for an All-School celebration of holiday music.
Creating bonding experiences for our students is central to create life-long friendships. Students in sixth and seventh grade attend two-day class retreats. Eighth graders spend an unforgettable week-long trip to Washington, DC. Upper School Freshman attend a special day-long orientation before school begins and enjoy an overnight on the Quad during the fall. In the spring, the class also participates in an overnight to Santa Cruz. Sophomores and juniors will enjoy retreats starting in the 2021-2022 school year, while seniors participate in a two-day off-campus retreat, where they work on an advanced ropes course and take part in an emotional and uplifting “web” activity.
Guest Speakers
Menlo regularly invites special guest speakers to the campus. Recent guests have included former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, CEO of YouTube Susan Wojcicki, Navy Seal Lieutenant Patrick Dosset, author Richard Dawkins, author Tobias Wolfe, author Reza Aslan, actress Anna O’Reiley, and Dr. Nancy Snyderman.
Student Government
In the Upper School, the Student Council is a forum in which students can express their points of view and be heard within the School community. Student Council members sit on the School’s Curriculum Committee, the Judicial Committee and the Menlo School Parents Association (MSPA). Officers are elected for the entire student body as well as each Class.
In the Middle School, students elect advocacy representatives to a Middle School Student Council led by a student president and other officers. The Council meets weekly with the Middle School Director or Assistant Director and plans School activities, community meeting programs, and peer leadership activities.
From global travel to service learning to M-Term, learn about other unique-to-Menlo programs here.