Menlo News August 14, 2023

Get Ready for the 2023-2024 School Year

The start of school is just around the corner, and the faculty, coaches, and staff are so excited to welcome our students to campus to kick off the new year! Get ready with the Back-to-School pages.

We are fully committed to launching the school year with a sense of joy and belonging, and we are all looking forward to a great year at Menlo School.

Below, find the links to our back-to-school web pages. These offer a comprehensive summary of all you need to know and do before the start of school. We hope you’ll take the time to carefully read all of the content as there are many important details as well as links to additional resources.

Middle School
Upper School

This year, all grade levels, 6-12, will be partaking in some type of retreat or outdoor education opportunity during the early days of the school year to help strengthen class connections. Please see complete details on the back-to-school webpages and submit the required forms by the noted deadlines.