Mandarin 1


Mandarin 1 is an introduction to the language and cultures of Mandarin-speaking countries and communities. Basic speaking, listening, reading, and writing of Mandarin will be introduced and practiced within a cultural framework. Mandarin will be the primary language of instruction at the end of the year. Emphasis will be on language as an expression of culture and a medium of communication. Conversation practice in the target language will be part of the regular instruction to reinforce pronunciation, grammar, and syntax. At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Recognize the patterns and connections between language, thought patterns, and culture.
  • Formulate questions and answers about simple everyday situations based on the learned materials.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate in Mandarin using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in the Novice-Mid level of the ACTFL student performance descriptors.
  • Be aware of the historical and cultural developments in the different Mandarin-speaking countries and communities
  • Engage in critical analysis and comparison of the student’s own values and cultural assumptions with those of Mandarin-speaking countries and communities.