The Menlo Roundtable

The War on Drugs: Was It Necessary?

“For her research project last semester in Intro to Law, Emma chose the failure of the U.S. Government’s so-called “War on Drugs” program.”

“The assignment began with the identification of a major socio-economic or political problem that had legal ramifications, and would culminate weeks later in a 15-minute presentation. In the course of the project, Emma synthesized what she learned about the disparate impacts of drug criminalization on minority groups and how this example of policymaking has had such a negative impact on people of color, specifically African-American males. She weaved together a creative presentation involving slides, video, and primary research to tell us the story of how people of color have borne the brunt of anti-drug policies and rhetoric. Emma’s command of the facts, court cases, and federal laws was amazing; it was truly informative and engaging from start to finish. I especially appreciated how her project addressed our role and obligation as engaged citizens in understanding these injustices and working towards a more just society.”

—Dan Devitt